Target Operating Models
Leadership Delivery Strategy
We design and facilitate a series of leadership strategy sessions to define what’s needed to
successfully deliver the strategy – producing a delivery strategy to show how the organisation will
These sessions would be designed in collaboration with relevant leaders with a focus on the
following areas:
a) Using a ‘clean-sheet’ planning approach to define the outcomes expected from, and the services
required to deliver, the new strategy,
b) Informed by our Transformation Readiness Assessment, facilitated discussions would consider
which services would be best delivered by the organisation, which might best be commissioned
from and delivered by a specialist partner, and which areas of the strategy might require the
organisation to change its modus operandi e.g. by advocating for policy change,
c) Defining ‘From-To’ statements to bring-to-life the key changes needed in each stakeholder group
and service team and begin to describe the distance to travel to achieve the strategy.
Importantly, these From-To statements will begin to define the cultural and mindset changes
needed (see Change Manifesto)
d) Prioritise the service changes needed and capturing these in a high-level transformation
roadmap, including the change management activities to engage staff and ensure they are active
participants in the change journey,
e) Defining a high-level overview of the skills needed to deliver the new strategy, providing a
realistic assessment of the future requirements and a comparison to identify gaps.
Customer Journey Mapping
Customer (user) journeys would be defined for each new/changed service and enabling function.
Service delivery functions, systems and processes would then be defined and aligned to these
customer journeys, minimising gaps between accountabilities and identifying appropriate
performance metrics.
We propose these user journey maps and service design blue-prints are produced by service and
function teams to ensure they are developed with the right expertise and to increase the chances of
success through individual and team ownership of the future structures. WCL would provide a
consultant facilitator to work with teams to produce these using an agile project approach so they
are developed in time-aligned sprint sessions with outputs reviewed together (holistically) to
maintain coherence with, and a line of sight to, the wider organisational design strategy.
Future Requirements Definition
Working closely with the leadership team, we would bring together the user journey maps and
service design blue-prints, with the leadership assessment of skills and plans for future service
delivery/commissioning/policy advocacy, to produce an outline organisational design that delivers
the 10-year strategy – the high-level target operating model. A comparison with the current
organisation (drawing on data from the assessment of functions, portfolio analysis and service
reviews proposed in our previous section) would begin to define the distance to travel to achieve the
new organisational vision – identifying services and functions that will continue and those to be re-
defined or stopped.
Change Manifesto
It will be critical to design and manage an engaging change programme to ensure staff are informed
and involved in the changes needed to deliver the ten-year strategy. We propose creating a
‘Change Manifesto’ to describe the organisation of the future and the ways of working, culture and
organisational health.
The manifesto would be authored by the senior management team and would involve working with
staff, volunteers and users to produce an engaging vision of the future that can be used to drive the
organisation’s transformational change programme. WCL would draw on our experience working
with Government (e.g. our work leading the 21 st Century Schools national consultation) to design,
facilitate and manage a programme of events and communication channels that could involve
hundreds of staff, managers, and volunteers (and customers if appropriate) in defining the Change
Research carried out in developing our Transformation Readiness model suggests that involving
staff in this way can increase ownership of the changes needed to deliver the strategy by up to 5
times (McKinsey 2019).
We feel this project would deliver significant change readiness benefits prior to, or alongside the
definition of the target operating model and should be carried out in the near-term to provide a
robust foundation for change and to collect input to the strategy from a wide range of stakeholders.
To find out more about how WCL's Target Operating Models can help you and your organisation please contact us.