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Kieron White

Transformation Readiness Assessment

Updated: Sep 16, 2019

This year we have been working flat out researching transformation and change programmes to produce our Transformation Readiness Assessment. I'm excited to say that we have already assessed seven transformation programmes using the diagnostic tool, and the score results correlate well with current success. The recommendations clearly set out the actions and work needed to increase the chances of successfully meeting the transformation aims.

In these results from a major UK client (who shall remain nameless) we can see that the transformation needs to work on a number of areas - but getting the vision owned and understood was the focus of our feedback. In this case we recommended that teams workshop the vision to understand the changes they need to make to deliver it, and that competing priorities were aligned to ensure everyone was pulling in the same direction.

I have often seen worthy and well-worded visions that mean little to the teams that must change to deliver them - transformation delivery strategies seem to be based on 'hoping' it will happen because senior leaders say so. That's not going to work and is one of the reasons that only 30% of transformations succeed.

The plans, management and resources section shows a top quartile result - recognising the well run PMO with up-to-date plans and realistic resource estimates. Our assessment benchmarks show this is often the strongest area - and is arguably over-cooked, going further than is needed. In this case, we suggested re-focusing time and energy from the PMO function to getting 'Governance' (section 4) right - i.e. ensuring that issues are quickly resolved, decisions are taken in good time, and accurate progress and performance information is reported and understood by the right people. We have often seen poor governance letting down great project plans by delaying decisions, over-analysis and passing-the-buck.

Read more about our Transformation Assessment Tool, or get in touch to receive a copy of an example report.

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